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Bouquet of Flowers


I want to acknowledge these special people who have influenced the website in their particular ways, and have made the website not only possible, but quality:


  • My Mom! I praise God that, when I was yet very young, she pointed me to His Word, the Holy Scriptures.

  • I am grateful to God for the influence of Dick Granstrom, my dear late husband of over 36 years, who loved me and believed in me, enthusiastically encouraged and supported me in my aspirations, who prayed for me, and was proud of me in every accomplishment. Additionally, who in his last months of terminal cancer; prayed that, after he passed, God would send me a new husband. 

  • Walter Seward, my loving new husband whom God sent as the answer to Dick's prayers. Walter also prays for me, supports my endeavors, and keeps dreams in front of me that I would never dare to dream nor attempt without his vision, encouragement, and love. I rejoice in the Lord! He knew what He was doing in bringing us together!

  • My family who have been most encouraging.

  • The pastors who have allowed me to use their names as references.

  • Personnel at Trinity College of the Bible and Theological Seminary, Evansville, IN, whom God used to plant seeds for me to begin Christian Life Coaching.

  • Praises to God for my historical mentors, Amy Charmichael and Elisabeth Elliot Leitch Gren, whose books He had them write of His love and care for us through Jesus Christ.

  • My precious friend, Phyllis Jensen, who declines the title of “Mentor” to anyone, yet is such to every woman into whose life God generously pours her friendship. 

  • Dear friends and sisters in Christ, co-mentors JoAnn McDowell and Rosemary Nelsen, with whom I have the privilege to spend multitudinous hours in God-glorifying conversations and prayer!

  • And the dear sisters in Christ who have given me the privilege to speak Jesus into their lives.

  • Professional friends who have generously given advise and encouragement when I was starting up His Hope Ministries: Janette Stone, Mike Lehner, Don Manzullo, Chuck & Karen Sweetman.

  • Web page designers: Hilary Smith, Cassandra Elliot!

  • Website developer and content manager: Deana Hipwell!

  • Non-stock photos: Ben Seward (Walter and Trudy Photos); Kerry Quade of Moments to Memories Photography, Ripon, WI (Trudy Photo, Home Page).

  • My Green Lake Growth Group, Green Lake, WI from years past who were so prayerful and exceedingly encouraging during my degree studies! 


Special thanks to the B.L.A.S.T. (Building Leaders, Authors, Speakers, and Teachers) Community:


  • Shannon Ethridge, our amazing mentor and million-copy best-selling author and international speaker!!! Thank you for your leadership and friendship.Thank you for walking with us.Thank you for all your input, generously sharing yourself and your expertise, and for challenging us forward.

  • My B.L.A.S.T. Tribe #2 Sisters, Lisa Northway and Christie Willow Williams!!! Thank you for your fabulous input, and your prayers and encouragement along the way! Without you the website would have never come into being. I love you, Dear Tribe Sisters!

  • Carol Kent of Speak Up! Ministries for your conferences and courage given in them. You are wind in my sails.

  • Nicki Bradshaw for the incredible logo you designed for my business, His Hope Ministries! I love it!!!

  • Tamara Lewis for conceiving the idea of B.L.A.S.T. Tribes!! And for coaching me through the beginning of ours! What an effective vision birthed! We appreciate you!

  • Terrica Joy Smith who inspired Shannon to create the B.L.A.S.T. Mentoring Program in the first place! Without you, I could not directly benefit from these valuable lessons that help shape this ministry!

  • Additionally, thank you to all you BLASTers from whom I learned during Community Calls, Q & A Calls, and from your beautiful and fabulous websites! Among you all: Deanna Kauffman, Teresa Janzen, Nicole Langman, Larke Koonce Ready, Shwanda Shallow, Andy Wood, Sharon Lee Williams.



To God alone be the glory, the honor, and the praise! May He use this website to bring others to His Son, Jesus, and to help them grow in Him.

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