memorize scripture
Step one: ready
Have you heard of the original “three R's”: Readin', Ritin', and Rithmetic? (That was for Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic.) It had been said that these were the basic subjects to focus students' attention on studies considered most important for life.
Well, to best memorize Scripture, I've put together “the six R's”: READY, READ, REPEAT, RUMINATE, RE-HABITUATE, and REVIEW. They help one to focus on memorizing verses from the Bible; for, the Bible is that which matters in life for life. Let's take a look at these R's one at a time.
READY. It means to ready your mind, heart, and soul to focus on the Word of God.
Sit quietly before the Lord being consciously aware of His Presence with you. Be in an attitude of worship toward Him. You might pray a prayer something like this:
“Oh Lord, my God, You have prepared and are in this time, this place, and this work. I bow my heart and mind before You. Please help me learn the verses from Your Word that you have laid on my heart to commit to my memory. Thank You. I ask this in the Name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen.”
Then enjoy being diligent and learning the verses. Trust God to help you throughout this journey of memorizing His Word.
God bless you!